Master PDF Editor is an advanced multifunctional PDF editor for Windows. This application is capable of generating PDF documents that adhere to the latest PDF 1.7 specifications and allows the users to edit and comment on their content. It also allows the users to create PDF files and view them. This program can open XFA formatted documents and password-protected documents. It also has numerous document view options, including full-word search, page and block selection, and markup.
Other features include a floating panel that fixes a common issue with toolbars disappearing in some Linux distributions. Another feature is an option to change the size of the icons. You can choose between small and large icons for quick actions. The Floating Panel is also customizable, allowing you to choose the size and style of the toolbars. The floating panel can be used to make text selections in the document easier. The program also has options for adjusting font attributes.
The software comes with a toolbar, traditional File Menu, and the ability to insert text, images, and links. There are many more options, such as the ability to zoom in and rotate pages. There are also tools for automating calculations and data validation, and it has an advanced annotation panel. The program can merge files from Windows Explorer or a Linux command line. In addition to these, it has a new option for saving and exporting PDF files.